More importantly, instead of have you ever had that happen, let me ask...does this happen to you often? A lot people will be shaking their heads when they read that, and if you are it's time to not give up, but simply time to start managing your time better. It's time to become productive, skills needed for business.
One of the worst things that you can let happen is let time go by wasted. There are a lot of things that can easily suck you dry of your time. People are a big one of those things. People are notoriously trying to take you away from what you're doing, in order to help fulfill what they're doing. Most of the time what that is, is wasting their own time!
You see, other people don't care about what you have to get done, and when you have to have it done...not even the people that care about you the most. Your wife, your kids, your own mother will waste the heck out of your time if you let them, and then you can kiss your home business success right out the window. You have to lay down the law now that you won't let anyone waste your time again.
What You Need to Do to Best Manage Your Time and Your Home Business
The best thing that you can do right now is to create a schedule. I know, yuck, I hate schedules...I know the drill. But if you want your home business to succeed then it's imperative that you get a schedule set.